There are several ways that employees can obtain lawful permanent residence through their employment in the United States.
There are several ways that employees can obtain lawful permanent residence through their employment in the United States.
While many of these categories require a US employer sponsor, others, such as the EB-1A and National Interest Waiver allow foreign nationals to self-petition.
Immigrant Investor Visas (EB-5) For overseas investors who are seeking permanent residency through a qualifying investment in a project in the U.S. For U.S. businesses, EB-5 can also be used as a funding vehicle to raise overseas capital to grow or expand your business.
For owner, executives, managers, and essential workers of qualified companies from treaty countries (including Citizenship By Investment programs such as Grenada and Turkey), who qualify to conduct treaty-based trade or investment in the United States.
In certain circumstances, cases may involve complex legal issues, prolonged delays that extend for years after filing, or decisions that seem unjust. Litigation can serve as an effective, and sometimes necessary, option to ensure that cases are adjudicated in a timely and fair manner. Whether through the preparation of a lawsuit or filing a writ of mandamus to compel government review, we provide tailored legal solutions to address these challenges and work toward favorable outcomes.
Offering specialized legal support for filing I-829 petitions, including documenting job creation and sustained investment, to remove conditions on permanent residency for EB-5 investors and their dependents, while ensuring full compliance with USCIS regulations and minimizing potential delays or denials.