Our Partner, Phuong Le, recently shared his insights with the EB5Investors.com team on the political and financial challenges Vietnamese investors currently face and some advice/options they have to navigate their difficult situation:

“Le says when working with their investors, the three problems they encounter center on liquidity, currency restrictions and an ongoing anti-corruption campaign. He says Vietnam is currently involved in an anti-corruption purge where politicians to entrepreneurs are imprisoned and stripped of assets, which has caused an urgency among some to flee.”

The full article can be read here: https://www.eb5investors.com/blog/eb5-visa-fund-transfers-vietnamese-investors. Our firm spends substantial time in Vietnam and is immersed in these issues and are proud to have helped numerous families successfully overcome their source of funds and transfer issues throughout the years. Our Partner, Nima Korpivaara will be in Vietnam for the next two weeks and will be happy to consult with our agents and clients on these issues. #currency #eb5 #vietnam